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Change Business Name

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Money Magnet Provides Credit Cards Facility

Money Magnet Provides Business name change Facility Enhance Brand value with company name change

A company’s name can be changed at any time after its objectification. It being an reality regulated by law, it has to follow a specific process handed by the Companies Act, 2013. The process includes conducting board meeting and member’s meeting for their separate concurrence, which will be followed by name reservation and blessing from Central Government for said change. Fresh Certificate of Incorporation will be issued by RoC in new name after streamlining the Register of Companies. The company name change doesn't impact the actuality of the company, which leaves all the means and liabilities unaffected.

  • ● Digital Signature Certificate DSC of one of authorised director to be provided
  • ● MoA & AoA A copy of latest amended MoA and AoA of the company
  • ● CoI Certificate of Incorporation of company to be provided
  • ● PAN Card Copy of PAN card of the company to be provided


Money Magnet is to democratize digital payment solutions, ensuring accessibility and viability for all. Our suite of products and services is designed to streamline both B2B and B2C transactions, prioritizing safety and efficiency above all else.
